John Maier
Adjutant / Quartermaster - Army


John Maier was elected to Department Quartermaster 22 June 2024, appointed Department Adjutant on the same day at the 2024 Department of Tennessee State Convention.

John Served the U.S. Army from 1980 to 2000, serving majority of his years either training for or serving in U. S. Army Special Forces. He obtained the rank of Master Sergeant / E8 and was Team Sergeant of Special Forces Dive Team by the time he retired.

He earned his VFW eligibility by serving in Korea, Iraq, and Bosnia.

John Joined the VFW in Colorado when he retired in 2000 and became an active member when he joined VFW Post 4969 in Columbia Tennessee. He worked up through the chairs to Post Commander as well as being the district 7 quartermaster for several years. He spent 21 months as the assistant adjutant / quartermaster before gaining his current position.